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Before & After School

Before and After School Programs

MELC is currently accepting applications for 2023-2024 School Year. Please see "Registration Information" below for the link to register.

Overview of Before and After School Programs

Manchester Public Schools (MPS) has teamed up with Manchester Early Learning Center (MELC) to offer a comprehensive before and after-school program (BASP). Our model aims to align the school day curriculum with our BASP. 

Below is a quick snapshot of key members of this partnership.

MELC Program Managers

  • Each elementary school has a full-time Program Manager from MELC working in the school building during the day. This allows for collaboration between the Program Manager and school staff. It also gives the Program Manager the opportunity to know our students.

MELC Senior Group Leaders & Group Leaders

  • Program staff work with students in 1:10 ratios. Each group of 10 students is led by a Group Leader. Group Leaders work with students to accomplish homework, enrichment activities, group games & free play.

Cost and Financial Aid

For 2023-2024, the cost(s) to attend the Before and After School program is monthly. The costs are as follows:

Elementary Schools

  • Before and After School Care  - $400 (Verplanck $190)
  • Before School Care only - $190
  • After School Care only - $255 (Verplanck Free)
  • Wednesday Afternoon Care Only - $63

Bennet Academy

  • After School Care only - $315
  • Wednesday Afternoon Care Only - $75


Our efforts to make this as affordable as possible for all families are ongoing. We understand that some families have financial challenges. Should your family require financial assistance for BASP, below is a list of options you may find helpful:

  • Connecticut Care 4 Kids -
  • MELC CDC Spaces

For more information, please contact Manchester Early Learning Center at 860.647.9659.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend BASP?

BASP is for Manchester students currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 6th grade

What are the before and after-school hours?

For 2023-2024, before school programming runs from 7:00am to the start of school. After school programming runs from school dismissal until 6:00pm

What will my child do in BASP?

Students have an opportunity to participate in activities centered around MELC's three core areas: academics, healthy lifestyles and character and leadership. Breakfast and an afternoon snack are available.

What does it cost?

Elementary Schools

  • Before and After School Care  - $400 (Verplanck $190)
  • Before School Care only - $190
  • After School Care only - $255 (Verplanck Free)
  • Wednesday Afternoon Care Only - $63

Bennet Academy

  • After School Care only - $315
  • Wednesday Afternoon Care Only - $75

Is financial aid offered?

Yes, the first step is to complete registration with MELC. The second step is to complete an application with CT Care 4 Kids at (1.888.214.5437). For more information regarding financial aid, call MELC at 860.647.9659

What happens if school closes early?

Students in the afterschool program will remain in school at BASP until 6:00 p.m. on days when schools have an early dismissal due to scheduled half days on the school calendar. **If schools are closed early due to inclement weather, after school programming will not be offered.**

What happens if schools are delayed?

Before school program will be closed. After school will remain open unless schools close early due to inclement weather or other reasons. 

Contact Us

Jennifer Wagner
Executive Director
860.647.9659 (W)

Registration Information

If you are interested in registering your child for this great opportunity, please visit the Manchester Early Learning Center website to register with MELC.